Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy for Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Therapy between a married couple is extremely beneficial. Sex therapy can also be one of the most beneficial forms of therapy between a married couple. Learning about each other again, exploring your intimate relationship, finding new heights of joy within your marriage – sex therapy can be the tool that enriches your lives throughout eternity. 

At Not Ashamed, our experienced professionals are here to help guide you on your journey to greater intimacy. Whether couples are experiencing a lack of communication, loss of desire, or simply want to grow together – we are here to help. 

It is important to remember that there is no shame in talking about your intimate relationship. Openly talking with a trained professional can allow individuals to express the positive and negative emotions surrounding sexual intimacy in their marriage. We understand that it can be hard to express thoughts and feelings on the subject, but we provide a comfortable and safe environment where minds and hearts can grow together.

There are many reasons for a couple to seek support in their intimate relationship:

  • Lack of communication
  • Loss of desire
  • Medical problems
  • Physical problems
  • Past trauma
  • Emotional Disconnect

At Not Ashamed, our caring team is here to help couples in gaining knowledge about these issues, to aid in the process of resolving them, and in creating eternally fulfilling marriages.